Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Importance of Internal and Strategic Communication to the Business Essay

Importance of Internal and Strategic Communication to the Business World - Essay Example Strategic communication entails the concerns necessary for an organization to be successful and generate their competitive advantage. Therefore, the long-term objectives need to be defined in a managerial perspective, which is linked to the survival of an organization. There are theories such as Entrepreneurial Organization Theories of the firm, which tends to combine both endogenous together with exogenous outlook to generate organizational competitive advantage. At the same time, the theories provide essential insights into communication roles in the organization management and also enhancement of communication constituting components. On the other hand, the Entrepreneurial Paradigm tries to identify strategic communication components to support the achievement of organizational objectives. The strategic contribution in relation to communication in an organization plays four major roles, which are aligning, visioning, constituting and energizing activities. The alignment dimension of strategic communication takes into consideration environmental scanning, boundary spanning, bridging and engaging ones. Corporate communication tends to hold a privilege in terms of observation and interpretation of the context, which any organization operates. Entrepreneurship requires social interaction to generate support and shape development of new ideas. Such an approach entails the building of bridges in an organization and  is considered necessary among stakeholders to activate and facilitate both involvement and participation. Internal strategic communication embraces engaging with stakeholders to develop solid relations and lasting partnership.

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